During your college years on campus, and also when you’re on break, you may frequently be in lazy moods, or possibly in jams to get various college stuff delivered quickly to your doorstep. We’ve got just the solution for you! Postmates is an awesome delivery service company that lets you order virtually anything you want (ranging from meals from your local restaurant to toilet paper) and which can be delivered to you on campus, or anywhere else, in minutes. Best of all, we’ve got you, and your college student budget, covered with $10 free to get started with them. Just click on the link below and start using Postmates today!
Simply click the link here to get the Postmates app and then use the code ugm4 to get your $10 free Postmates credit and enjoy anything you want delivered to you in a jiffy!
While you’re at it, you might want to also get Amazon Student free for 6 months here. Amazon Student is basically Amazon Prime, but Amazon give this deal specifically for college students in mind.